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Sweta Jagirdar

to strive, to seek

Prospect Park is our family’s backyard, our wonderland, the woods of endless mystery. It is the place where our son learned to walk, to run, to name flowers and collect sticks, to imitate birdsong and befriend dogs.

It is the place where we learned to be parents who jump in puddles with their child, and nurture his sense of endless wonder. It is where we picnic and sprint through meadows in spring and where we sled and make snow angels in the winter.

It is where our son learned to climb hills without fear. And discovered, as Nelson Mandela once did, that “after climbing a great hill, one finds only that there are many more hills to climb.”

It is where we go everyday to learn more about the world, about ourselves, to see friends and to build connections. Thank you Prospect Park Alliance for this extraordinary place in our lives.

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